Frequently Asked Questions

For most once off products and services, a payment arrangement will only be arranged for certain amounts, please enquire if your given quotation qualifies for a payment arrangement. Please note that a payment arrangement can be granted or refused for whatever reason we see fit.

Watticsoft Proprietary Limited provides support for all its services, the support is only limited to the operation of the product or service in the product or service description, the support does not constitute free consultation and will not include any of the services that we offer as paid management, support or consultation. The free support will not cover third party software and hardware.

The design process will be explained to you as a client, we will give you a design period that we will be able to deliver the final project. The completion period will depend on our capacity to complete the project immediately, we will inform you in advance of any possible waiting lists, but we always do our best to start working on the projects immediately when the contracts becomes valid.

No, the quotation is not a valid contract, you do not have to pay anything at all, it is completely free.

Yes, you can tell us everything you need specific for your project, and we will give you a quotation for that specific project.