Which Business Needs Technology?

First of all, what is business technology? Business technology is the use of hardware, software and scientific processes to run a business, technology can be used in the form of storing business information online, managing a business website, analyzing online marketing report  statistics , social media marketing, organizing data on systems, working on software collaboration and automating  machines for efficient running of the organization, now if you could have paid attention, the short answer is, “Everyone needs business technology, big and small organizations of all industries”.  Continue reading to find out how technology can improve and grow your organization for a price of bread (like literally!).

Modern Business and Technology

Modern businesses, irregardless of industry , have incorporated technology into their operations as it is cheaper, efficient  and useful. Technology makes marketing cheaper than traditional marketing and would normally allow any budget on social media where the most economically active are found, makes data manageable as it is kept in databases online or offline, safe through cloud systems and data encryption, and meaningful through analytics tools. Business technology gives useful feedback to improve marketing strategies.

Websites, SEO and Revenue growth

Growing Website Traffic and Revenues

If you have once searched for information online, the results that appeared are what the search engine considers relevant, fortunately or unfortunately, relevant depends on the standards of the search engine and how websites implements them, that is how the SEO industry was born. So you are wondering, how does SEO increase sales? If your website appears on top of the search engines, people will visit your website  as a relevant solution, and if your content is good, they will end up buying from you, and the good news? You just invested a little in SEO.

Digital Marketing, Growth and Automation

The Cheapest way to Market and Grow.

Digital marketing entails the use of social media, search engine advertising like google, email advertising and other media such as broadcasting (which we will exclude due to its relative cost). Social media allows marketing campaigns on any budget, unlike traditional marketing, it costs less, and builds up a network of followers that you can engage with for customer experience, future marketing and customer enquiries. A business with an active social media is more  in touch with the customer needs, is well trusted and of course, preffered for its easy reach.

I want to grow my business, where do I start?


Branding is the creation of a unique name and image in a customer’s mind, which they use to differentiate your service or product, and is the reason why they buy from you. The images includes  your logo, your social media accounts and your website(s) , and your other marketing content.

We are living in the age of scams and a lack of trust as a result.

Scammers normally lacks the skills and resources afforded by authentic organizations, and for obvious reasons are discouraged to invest in their illegal business, I mean why would they be a scammer if they could run an organization ? For this reason, a poorly branded business is perceived to be a weak scam attempt. You are running a business, it’s hard enough to get new customers, you don’t want to make it worse by breaking the trust, you cannot be in business without trust, so you should get your brand right by all means.

Online Presence

Online presence concerns the use of websites, social media and whatever means that puts your business on the internet.

It has become a standard for all modern businesses to have online presence. In this technology era, people generally check on the internet to validate if something is true, you do not want to prove them right by actually not having any online presence, or having a bad one. A business website or social media account should always look professional, engaging and easy to trust. One thing that attracts a human eye is “beauty”, but not many gives the later a chance without the former. Finding the best internet services provider, or employing one full time is a duty on its own, so you should always know how to measure the quality of the content you receive, price is not everything in business services, the value that is derived from the quality of the content is everything.


So you are done with your brand creation, and you have  your business online, “bravo” (congratulations), now it is time to get your return on investment. You start a marketing campaign that will reach more people and direct traffic to your website where customers will be able to take action and buy from your business.

Marketing is a traffic game, not everybody is your customer, and again, not everybody is your customer, marketers uses a level of expertise to target customers that are more likely to relate to the product or service, and in doing so, a huge number of potential targeted customers has to be reached, because for common logic, not all of them will buy from you, so you want to reach as many as possible in order to end up with a good number of customers that can grow your revenues and business. A good marketing campaign will have a high conversion rate, hence a better return on investment.

Business Systems Automation

Businesses are run by people, and unfortunately not all organizations can afford to have people watching over them 24/7 , even for big businesses, it just happens to save a lot of unnecessary spending or prevent poor customer service by automating most time consuming activities that makes organizations inefficient. Many things could go wrong while capturing the data of a huge number of people on paper or on a local computer, besides being unsafe, the data will also be accessible from the computer in which it is saved. Let’s move to cloud systems, online data is well protected, and with good security measures, it is the closest thing to perfection should we desire to use the term. When you have data stored in the clouds, you can also automate systems to communicate with your clients, you can let the system send invoices to your customers, monthly, weekly or daily statements, or per action taken like when they pay a portion of their payables. Automation can also assist with capturing orders, information , marketing and also analysing data from a marketing campaign, answering your customer queries and many more. Automation can do an unlimited number of tasks that could make your business efficient, productive and accessible to your customers at any time.

Read here about our automation and offerings